Sometimes we tend to ignore skin problems or skin issues like acne believing it will go away with time. It does go away in some cases, however, it is always advisable to consult a skin specialist who can guide you about the treatments available for a particular skin condition. Also, what is important is to diagnose the underlying cause of the prevailing skin condition because many a times skin problems occur due to another chronic disease. Hence, you should visit your dermatologist in case of any such skin disorders.

Acne is a common issue everybody goes through at some point in life. There are various medical and lifestyle reasons for the aggravation of this disease…

A skin and joint disease with multifactorial causes, psoriasis effects 1-2% of the general population. Psoriasis ranges from mild to severe form…

Involves the correction of sun spots, pigmentation and melasma through laser technique. It results in clear, vibrant and firm skin.

It is a common hypersensitive reaction of the skin to exogenous and endogenous agents. One can get vascular dilation, redness, edema…

Redness on the face specially around the nose and cheeks. Treatments are suggested depending on the severity of the condition…

Fungal Infection
The most commonly occurring fungal infections are nail infections, ringworms and athlete’s foot which are usually itchy and red…

Bacterial Infection
These can be mild to severe. However, these may lead to deadly diseases like T.B. but these infections can be prevented & are…

Viral Infection
Virus can affect different parts of your body including lungs and intestines; usually characterized by high fever, fatigue, nausea etc…

Nail Disorder
There can be different reasons and types of a nail disorder. Depending on the condition we have various treatment options available…

Also known as venereal diseases, sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, genital warts, scabies & gonorrhea can be easily treated…

It is a common problem which is characterized by excessive sweating. Injectables and other non-surgical treatments are available…

Dark patches or pigmentation on the skin which can occur due to various reasons such as pregnancy, exposure to sun, hormonal issues etc…

Lichen Planus
Chronic inflammatory skin disease which results into skin rashes generally on the wrists, ankles and lower back. Mild lichen planus clears up on its…

Small pigmentation marks on the skin caused due to increased number of melanocytes. Alma Q Laser is an effective treatment for freckles…

Skin Tags, Moles, Warts
Skin growths are not harmful though but they can be removed for cosmetic purpose. Treatments like cosmetics such as ………………

Pediatric Dermatology
Children have more sensitive skin as compared to the adults and therefore require special attention & care when it…