Skin Tags,Moles,Warts



Skin tags are small soft mass which is the result of extra skin growth. They are not harmful but can be annoying and hence can be an issue for cosmetic reasons.


The exact reason behind the skin tags is unknown till yet. They are thought of the result of decreased cell destruction process around the affected region. Some of the observations which are found until now are listed below.

  • Skin tags are considered more commons to obese persons.
  • Diabetic people also have high chances of getting skin tags.
  • Pregnant women can get skin tags due to the change in hormones.
  • Dyslipidaemia can also be related to skin tags
  • Those suffering from hypertension can get skin tags more often
  • Skin tags are considered genetic and hence if you have it in your family, then you may also get it.


Treatment for skin tags is not necessary but recommended if it is present on your face or some other part which is exposed in public. There are two methods which are widely used by doctors to treat skin tags.

  • CO2 Laser Treatment: It is a fast and advanced method of skin tag removal which is widely used by modern dermatologists.
  • Radio cautery Treatment: It is also sometimes referred to as Radiofrequency Surgery. The only difference from the laser treatment is that radio waves are used instead of the laser and almost the rest of the procedure is the same.



Moles are grown on the skin and it is made of masses of melanocytes and the pigment-producing cells of the skin. It may be tan, brown, black, red, and purple in colour.


Moles are categorized on the basis of the development and placement on the skin. Below are the types of moles:

Common mole: A common mole has distinct edges and pigmentation. It is 5-6 mm large. They are mainly found in a sun-exposed area of skin.

Atypical moles: Atypical moles have blurry borders. They have flat and raised component.  Their colour is different.

Congenital moles: These moles are usually seemed at birth and within the first year of birth. Its main cause is melanocyte cells in dermis and epidermis. Sometimes, it is referred to as birthmarks.

Benign moles: These are small colour spot on the skin. It can be flat and raised. They are symmetrical in shape. Their borders are smooth.

Junctional melanocyte nevi: These moles usually occur in childhood and adulthood. During this age, it is usual for melanocytes to exodus down to deeper layers of skin. They vary in colour from tan to dark brown.


Moles get raised when cells in the skin are growing in a group rather of being proliferation throughout the skin. They build the pigment which gives skin its natural colour. Moles get dark after exposure.


Moles are common and do not need treatment. But sometimes they are needed to be removed because it might cause a risk of skin cancer. Different methods of the removal are listed below but it has to be done by an expert cosmetologist or by one of the best skin specialist.

  • Cutting and excision
  • Freezing

Laser treatments are also used to remove moles from the skin. It is one of the effective ways for removing moles in the skin, but it needs to be the done by one of the best cosmetic dermatologist.



Warts are the small extension of skin tissue, which is of flesh-coloured, pink and white. It is mainly affected by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). It is a form of viral infection that can spread from person to person, or to other parts of the body and from any surface to a person.

  • You can get infected if you touch someone else warts. It can also get infected through sexual contact.
  • Scratching the wart on one part of the body and doing same on the other part of the body can spread warts.
  • When you share things used by the infected person you may get warts.


  • Common warts: They look like a small piece of cauliflower. They are most commonly visible on the knees, elbows, and fingers.
  • Plane warts: Plane warts are round and flat. They are yellowish and brownish. They are likely to grow in maximum numbers. They mostly grow in sun-exposed areas. They tend to vanish without any treatment.
  • Plantar warts: This type of wart looks like flesh-coloured and light brown lumps. They are freckled with small, clotted blood vessels that appear as a small black dot. They see on the soles of feet.
  • Genital warts: Genital warts can appear on the private area such as anus and vagina. They appear like small flesh-coloured, pink and red coloured. These warts are very tiny and difficult to see.

Signs and symptoms

Warts normally appear on hands and fingers. The common signs and symptoms of warts include:

  • Small and grainy bumps
  • Rough when it touches
  • Freckled with small pinpoints


  • Radio cautery: It is one of the best treatments for severe warts. It uses high radio frequency waves at low temperature to eliminate warts.
  • Lasers: The laser is a beam of light which can help to treat warts. It is the best option to treat genital warts.

Skin tags, moles, and warts are common skin issues, but is important to visit a good skin clinic or a good dermatologist before deciding on any treatment.

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Dr. Shoma Sarkar is a well known celebrity dermatologist with more than 10 years of experience in the field of Aesthetic & Clinical Dermatology.

Disclaimer: The content on this website ( is solely for the purpose of educating and creating awareness about the domain i.e. Dermatology. This shall not be treated as a substitute to a professional dermatologist’s advice or prescription. There is no guarantee of specific results and the results for any treatment mentioned on the website may vary, as every individual and their skin conditions are different.

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