Sexually Transmitted Disease


Sexually transmitted disease can be defined as the infection which transmits from one person to the other due to sexual contact. The disease gets transmitted during oral, anal as well as vaginal sex. It is one of the most common forms of infectious disease and in many cases unknowingly an infected person transmits it to others at the time of having natural or forced sex.


The various types of STD are listed below:

  • Chlamydia is a bacterial STD caused due to Chlamydia trachomatis bacterium and infects the urethra and cervix. It is common to see in teenagers aged 15 to 19 years. It remains silent for a long period of time and gets detected when it reaches a serious stage.
  • Gonorrhea: It is one more STD caused due to bacteria and gets transmitted via vagina during anal intercourse, and even can have at a time of oral sex. It attacks urethra, cervix and many times fallopian tubes leading to the occurrence of pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: There are different types of microorganisms which can cause this infection in the upper tract of the female reproductive system. Both Chlamydia trachomatis, as well as Neisseria gonorrhea, are responsible for this disease.
  • Genital Warts and Human Papillomavirus (HPV): There are several hundreds of viruses present and quite a many pass from one person to other at the time of unprotected sex leading to Genital Warts and Human Papillomavirus. Cervical cancer in many cases is caused because of this.
  • Genital Herpes: Herpes simplex viruses cause genital herpes which develops surrounding the vaginal or penis area and on thighs, buttocks, and anus.


Under STD, lot of infections can happen. The major bacteria which are responsible for such infection include Chlamdiya Trac, syphilis and gonorrhea. The virus which may cause STD includes genital herpes, HIV, hepatitis B, and genital warts. Infections like Trichomoniasis happen due to a certain type of parasites.


Sexually transmitted infections may lead to a wide range of complications which are of short-, medium-, as well as of long-term tenure, especially among females. This type of infection can be the reason for sterility, genital neoplasia, infertility, pre-term delivery, as well as for fetal or neonatal pathologies.


  • Blood tests: Doctors recommend undergoing blood tests to confirm the presence of HIV or syphilis.
  • Urine samples: Sometimes urine sample is taken for the test to detect the presence of STD infections.
  • Fluid samples: In case of active genital sores, there may need to test fluid as well as samples right from the sores to diagnose if there is infection or not.


The treatment depends on the type of STD you are suffering from. After diagnosing your case, doctor will recommend the medication or treatment.

  • Antibiotics: In majority of the cases, a single dose of antibiotics, can treat the sexually transmitted infections, like gonorrhea, Chlamydia, syphilis, and trichomoniasis.

Antiviral drugs. A dermatologist may recommend taking fewer herpes recurrences daily to control the problem. This suppressive therapy with be given to patient against the prescription for an antiviral drug.

Visit a good skin clinic or a top dermatologist before the condition become severe.

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Dr. Shoma Sarkar is a well known celebrity dermatologist with more than 10 years of experience in the field of Aesthetic & Clinical Dermatology.

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