What is Bacterial Skin Infection?
A bacterial infection can be defined as the proliferation caused by a harmful chain of bacteria located either on or inside of the human body. Bacteria are capable to infect almost any section of the body.
Bacterial infections are caused by bacteria and spread through coughing or sneezing, coming in contact with infected persons, either through oral kiss or sex. This infection can also happen for coming in contact with any contaminated surfaces or water. Even contact with any infected creatures, which may include pets, insects, and livestock, can also cause this infection.
Types of Bacterial Infections:-
- Impetigo:Impetigo is one type of bacterial infection which is common to see and also one of the contagious infections of the skin which majorly attacks infants and children. Impetigo looks like red sores appearing on kids face, mostly near to child’s mouth, nose and also on feet and hands. It bursts out to create honey-colored crusts.
- Folliculitis:Folliculitis is one of the typical skin conditions where hair follicles get inflamed. It’s a bacterial infection. It appears like small-sized red bumps surrounding the hair follicles.
- Furuncle: A furuncle, commonly known as a boil, is one of the painful bacterial infections which forms surrounding the hair follicle and carries pus. When hair follicles get infected by bacteria, it swells up and become a boil.
- Carbuncle: A carbuncle can be defined as a collection of boils which develops right under your skin. If the bacteria infect the hair follicles, the follicles will swell up and transform into boils which are called carbuncles.
- Periporitis:A typical skin condition which is represented by miliary papules as well as papulovesicles. It is accompanied by an infection of staphylococcal bacteria and affects mostly the infants.
Signs and Symptoms (For each type)
- Impetigo: Common signs and symptoms of this bacterial infection consist of red sores which ruptures fast, and oozes for some days and then develops into yellowish-brown crust. Larger blisters and painful fluid or even pus-filled sores are common symptoms of Impetigo.
- Folliculitis: Pus-filled blisters, small red bumps, itchy, painful, tender and burning skin are the common signs and symptoms of Folliculitis. Large sized swollen bumps are also common in this type of infection.
- Furuncle: Painful red or pink bumps with inflamed and tender skin indicate the infection of Furuncle. The bumps start accumulating pus and it grows bigger making it more painful till they burst.
- Carbuncle: It appears like a collection of boils and becomes bigger than a single boil. It consists of more than opening to drain the pus collected in it.
- Periporitis: It looks like small red rashes, called papules. It creates itchy irritation and develops in areas like the upper chest, elbow creases, neck, below the breasts and also below the scrotum.
Treatment (General)
Maximum bacterial infections can be treated with oral antibiotics. Which antibiotic will be for which bacterial infection will depend on the nature of the bacteria involved. A dermatologist may recommend getting some blood test done or diagnosing urine samples or may recommend ointment and medicines by checking the symptoms.
Duration (For each type)
Duration of the treatment and medication will be decided based on the type and severity of the infection.Patients need to complete the full course as recommended by the dermatologist or the skin specialist.