Home remedies for skin care from a dermatologist’s point of view

The perfect skincare routine varies from person to person according to their skin type. The main remedy ingredient for solving each skin problem may be the same, but the applications may differ according to the issues. Thus, consulting a dermatologist will be a secure option if you face any skin issues. Home remedies also work out sometimes, but not in acute measures. Again, you must check whether you’re allergic to the ingredients, even with the home remedies. General ingredients like turmeric or milk are always helpful and do not cause any kind of skin irritation most of the time.

From a dermatologist’s point of view

According to the skin specialists in Bangalore, trying home remedies before any kind of skin treatment is the best way to make better decisions with your skin. Even if you go for skin care treatment in Bangalore, they’ll always ask you about the home remedies you’ve tried. Growing up in any Indian household, it is prevalent for your grandmother or mother to take care of your skin and hair as they used to do while they were growing up. So, home remedies are quite effective if the ways of application are correct. Many skin specialists in Bangalore will not give you medications on your first appointment; they will just give you some tips on home remedies.

Importance of consulting a dermatologist

Before experimenting on your skin, consult a dermatologist for better advice. Choosing the best skin specialist in Bangalore can be a bit difficult, but online websites will help you find the perfect choice. Some apps nowadays use AI-based interfaces to analyse your skin problems and provide you with the best choice. They can recommend remedies with their own products or choose the best skin specialist in Bangalore for you.

Common Skin Concerns

The most common skin issues faced by everyone are:

  1. Acne Issues

The most common skin issue faced by men and women is acne. The adolescence stage can affect the breaking out of acne. But the most challenging problem is to get rid of those acne scars. There are several acne scar treatments in Bangalore; you can check them online.

  1. Ageing Problems

With ageing, the most common problem we all face is losing skin elasticity due to decreasing collagen production. But the skincare treatment in Bangalore recommended by dermatologists will help tighten the skin by boosting the collagen in the skin quite harmlessly.

  1. Uneven Skintone

As a result of exposing your skin daily to the sun, there is a lot of chance of dulling your skin, or even as we all grow, there is a chance of facing the problem of uneven skin tone and hyper-pigmentation on our face due to several issues.

  1. Dull Skin

Exposure to UV rays every day may cause dulling of the skin, and thus your skin will not be able to retain moisture and will always look dull and dehydrated. These are the most commonly faced skin issues by us.

Home remedies for skin care

The above-mentioned skin issues can be treated with the best home remedies.

  1.  The acne issues can be easily treated with tea tree or aloe vera. A face mask containing these two ingredients can make you get rid of acne problems very quickly. Apple cider vinegar is also commonly used to resolve acne problems. However, there are several acne scar treatments in Bangalore, too, if home remedies do not work.
  2. Aloe vera or banana masks can treat wrinkles and other ageing issues. Even egg whites can be used to resolve ageing concerns. To get better results, use essential oils in the masks that you’ve prepared at home.
  3. Honey is the most commonly used face mask ingredient to prevent uneven skin tone and pigmentation issues. Honey and lemon contain all the required properties for skin concerns like hyperpigmentation. Even turmeric powder and gram flour paste can be used instead of honey and lemon if they irritate your skin.
  4. Dull skin issues can be treated with several ingredients like yoghurt, honey, coffee, and cucumbers. Drinking water and maintaining a balanced diet are essential to gently your skin.

All of these ingredients may help you either, but drinking water and maintaining a properly balanced diet are the two most essential concerns you must keep in mind.

Can we use home remedies on our faces daily?

These home remedies must be used at regular intervals of time to get effective results. You may consult a skin specialist or any online platform to check the applications of these home remedies. Usually, home remedies can be applied daily as your skin needs them. Sometimes, it is seen that applying home remedies to skincare concerns the skin and irritates your skin too much. So checking your skin conditions and then applying them is all you need to do.

Food to help maintain clear skin

Maintaining a properly balanced diet is very much essential to maintain clear skin. Your everyday diet must include vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables. Soybeans, nuts and seeds are also very important for your skin. Caffeine must be consumed within a limit every day. To prevent acne breakouts, eggs or fish must be included in your everyday diet. The most important thing is to consume an adequate amount of water every day.

Healthy skin habits

Healthy skin habits include consuming adequate amounts of water and maintaining a properly balanced diet. It is also imperative to cleanse your face daily before going to sleep. Applying sunscreen before going out and moisturising your skin daily must be included in your daily routine.

When to consult a dermatologist?

If the skin issues that you are facing are going out of your hands even after following healthy skincare habits, you must consult a dermatologist. Sometimes home remedies can cause skin irritation and other problems. At that moment, consulting a dermatologist will be a wise step towards your skin.


To maintain clear and gentle skin, healthy skincare habits must be followed. Home remedies can help you to a specific limit, but checking for the best skin specialist before going for any cure will be a better choice. Dermatologists may not provide you with the medications at the first appointment, and they’ll choose home remedies for skin care before any hash medicines. Above all other healthy skincare habits, getting concerned about your skin issues is most important.

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Dr. Shoma Sarkar is a well known celebrity dermatologist with more than 10 years of experience in the field of Aesthetic & Clinical Dermatology.

Disclaimer: The content on this website (www.drshomasarkar.com) is solely for the purpose of educating and creating awareness about the domain i.e. Dermatology. This shall not be treated as a substitute to a professional dermatologist’s advice or prescription. There is no guarantee of specific results and the results for any treatment mentioned on the website may vary, as every individual and their skin conditions are different.

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